Sunday, 3 August 2014

Lolita Fashion Diary: #17 - 45 Lolita Questions

Hello, my sweeties.

So, I came across a set of 45 lolita questions when looking up most common lolita questions. I've been itching to make another post so I thought I'd answer them!

 (I'm not sure who originally made the list of questions and if anyone knows, please comment! Thank you!)

1. Please tell us your Hand Name (name that’s used ONLY in internet.) and hometown.

My internet names are DressUpJess and Hiroshi Yuki.

2. About how long is your history as a Lolita? 

Erm... I've been a lolita for about 9 months now.

3. What first motivated you to do Lolita fashion?

I guess the fact that I loved the aesthetics of it. Very flattering and adorable, but also classy and sweet. I don't like showing off very much skin often (sometimes I'll wear shorts and stuff like that but nothing like having my rear end hanging out or anything..) so lolita is perfect.

4. After knowing Lolita fashion, have you had any time-gap or resistance till you actually started to be Lolita?

It was at least 2 years knowing about lolita before I decided to take the plunge. I remember telling my ex that I was going to become a lolita, and what her view was on it. To be honest, I didn't believe myself when I said I was actually going to do it; I did and I'm glad!

5. Please define your Lolita style as much as possible. (eg. gothic Lolita, sweet Lolita, white Lolita…. Etc).

Erm... It's pretty much mainly sweet. My very first coord was gothic, and I definitely want to expand on that, but I have MANY planned sweet coords I need to finish first. c:

6. About how many Lolita friends do you have?

Erm... I have like.. maybe 2 or 3? I don't have any close lolita friends at all. I'm the first lolita in my town, but there are some the town over.

7. What is the best thing about doing Lolita? 

Feeling adorable.

8. Conversely, what's the worst thing?

Equally; the amount of effort it takes, how expensive it is and getting sweaty when it's too hot...

9. Which Lolita Brands do you like?

Bodyline, AP,  Meta, IW. Before you say Bodyline isn't a brand, go look up the definition of brand.

10. What was the first Lolita item that you’ve owned?

The first lolita item I bought was from Bodyline and it was a flowery, gross, glittery red JSK. I hate it now.

11. What is the “must have!” Lolita item?

Cute socks and/or tights.

12. Do you wear drawers?

Nope. I do want to get some but I usually just put shorts on.

13. Do you have any favourite Japanese music?

I like Dir En Grey, GazettE, Veltpunch, Mizuki Nana etc...

14. Where do you particularly visit as Lolita? 

Town, the library, cafés.

15. About how many times per week do you dress as Lolita? 

I wear lolita very rarely, maybe once a week. I'm trying to wear it more now I'm off school, and I'll have the freedom to wear it whenever I like when I start university, which is awesome!

16. Please tell us about one embarrassing episode from the time when you were
just beginning Lolita.

My square dance petticoat fiasco! D; Nuu....
I was a spacker, bought the first petticoat I could find for my horrible red lolita dress and thought, yeah this totally works. (Ironically, it did work because it was the perfect length for the A-line dress, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an ITA mistake!

17. What's hairstyle and color that you think Lolita would suite the most?

Depends entirely on the style and colour of the coord. A sweet coord consisting of the pastel colours I'd say a nice ash blonde colour in a princess hair cut, curled or straight pigtails or a cute bob. I rarely see short hair in lolita and wish it was more popular.

For classic and gothic styles I'd say sleek black hair is cute, with tight ringlets for elegance, or a loose curly style in a auburn brown colour

18. Have you ever thought of stopping Lolita? The reason? 

No, not really. I do get discouraged sometimes, but never enough I'd give it up all together.

19. Please tell us your heart's bible as a Lolita. (anything like a book, magazine, CD, idol...)

My lolita bible is the countless groups, blogs and videos that are provided by lolitas all over the world. I don't read the G&L Bible, because at £25 an issue, that's a bit of a stretch for me, although I wish I could afford it.

20. Do you own a doll? Tell us your feelings about her intensely!

I own one doll. I had it for my 13th birthday from my nan's sister. She's a gothic doll with a beautiful long black dress and a matching black veil. An eyelash has begun come off on one eye and she has black lipstick. Her hair has white streaks in it, but she doesn't look like a weird Halloween doll or anything. Her rosy red cheeks give her this elegant glow, and she has fair olive skin. She isn't ball joint and her legs are fabric until the shin where they are china down to the foot. She has painted on black shoes. Her legs are cable tied to her stand because she flops over if her legs aren't strapped to it.
She doesn't actually have a name yet, so I'd love to name her.
My doll doesn't actually mean very much to me. The only reason I've kept her is because she's beautiful, even if she is floppy and has an eyelash hanging off. She just stands on my shelf near my books, where everyone can see her.


21. What kind of make-up do you wear when you wear Lolita clothes? 

It really depends. If I'm in casual lolita i tend to go a bit more OTT with makeup, adding circle lenses and lashes etc. But normally, I just try to keep it natural. Mostly because it's just easier that way.

22. Have you ever secretly changed clothes in a train station bathroom on Lolita day-out?


23. Are you composed when doing Lolita all by yourself? 

Yeah, totally. Because I do.

24. How much do you spend in your Lolita clothes& accessory monthly?

Monthly, I couldn't tell you because it totally depends.

25. What is the most expensive Lolita thing you've bought so far? How much was it? 

Erm... Probably my Angelic Pretty, Chocolate Porter sweatshirt... I think it was £58. Something like that.

26. So far about how much has the expense been for Lolita goods?

Around £450. |:

27. Lolita outfits really cost a lot of money. How do you raise money to cover the cost of

I pretty much just have to wait for my birthday and Christmas. I had a lot of my Christmas money left over so I used it for lolita, and my birthday money, too. I used to get some money every month from my parents which I'd save up as well, and it adds up over time so I can buy things. It really does cost a lot... |: At the moment, I don't have any way of getting money. Looking for a job sucks, and I also have uni to pay for... |:

28. Have you ever bought from an online store? If so, please tell us its good
and bad points and some advice for the future. If not, please tell us why not.

Yeah, I've ordered from Clobba, Angelic Pretty USA, Metamorphose and Bodyline. All were positive experiences.

29. Even if you sort of want to keep it a secret, please clandestinely tell us
about a private manufacturer that is the best.

I don't really know any.

30. Is there a brand and/or an item that you think, "I could never get it! But I unreasonably want it!

31. What do you think about people who only do Lolita at music-lives or cosplay? 

As in AS cosplay or at cosplay events like comicon?

AS cosplay I think it's a little tedious. But if it is a COSPLAY and they aren't saying, 'Oh, look at me, I'm a lolita, la di da di da...' then I'm down, they can do what they like. If they are calling it lolita, and it's clearly a cosplay of a popular lolita character from a manga or anime etc, then that is not OK. Usually because these 'lolitas' are not lolitas at all.
Many lolitas wear it in public for the first time at comicon events and similar, because it's usually recognised and accepted, and other people are dressed up and look weird anyway, so it's a good way to get used to wearing it without feeling out of place. I did that myself, it's not a bad thing at all.

As for being in lolita for live music events, I think it's fine. Like I say, as long as they aren't saying it's a costume for these events, then it's cool. Personally, unless I was going to like a symphony or something I wouldn't wear lolita, and as a metal fan, I wouldn't do that. However, what other lolitas wear to enjoy their leisure time is up to them and if they feel comfortable doing it there, then more power to them!

32. From what age to what age is it acceptable to do Lolita? Do you think that there's a state in which someone must graduate from Lolita?

There isn't an age limit. I loved looking up veteran lolitas blogs and videos to watch. They're really inspirational and it's really cool to listen to their views and experiences as they've watched the fashion develop and change over time.

33. Is there a Lolita fashion or behaviour that you think "I don't want Lolitas to do this!" about?

I don't like the idea of lolitas being rude. I mean, I don't expect lady likeness unless that certain lolita prefers to do that, but I just think that being kind and slightly more elegant that normal is beautiful when in lolita.

34. Is there something you think "Lolita has to be this way!" about?

Um... only one thing. Just the look itself has to be respected. If you don't fit the silhouette of a lolita, don't call yourself a lolita. The right shape and length of skirt is a must and it HAS to be A-line or bell shaped. No doubt about that. Everything else is pretty much optional. I'm open to the idea of other lolitas experimentation, however i'd suggest they get the basics down first before they try to be their own original snowflake.

35. While wearing Lolita, has anything changed from before you wore Lolita?

Not much has changed, really. My friends seem cool about it, and no one really cares if I wear it.

36. Do you go to school/work as Lolita?

At school we had a uniform, no lolita allowed. However, I did wear my rings and sometimes my more subtle hair accessories. ;)

37. Do you wear Lolita clothes as casual wear?

I do like casual lolita, yes.

38. Do you have a boyfriend (or husband)? Do you understand each other?

No, I don't have a boyfriend.

39. What do the people around you think of your doing Lolita? Do they accept it?

My parents and brother thought it was so weird in the beginning. After a little while I stopped getting reactions, so it's just accepted. My nan absolutely loves it and my close friends (both of whom are guys) accept it too.

40. What kind of Lolita has impressed you the most up until now?

The kind of lolita that impresses me the most is the kind that can use con-crit to benefit themselves and others around them. Sharing experiences and ideas are one of the best ways to learn. Taking con-crit to heart is the worst thing someone can do. When you take criticisms to heart, it becomes a personal attack rather than something that is intending to help and people then forget what they asked for con-crit for, because they can't use it in an effective way when they are given it.

41. Have you ever made your own Lolita clothing or/and accessories? If so, what was the best item that you’ve made?

I made a wrist cuff... It sucked.

42. If you have an ideal Lolita outfit or coordination, please tell us. 

I want to do a full shiro coord.

43. Is there a motif that you think “this is a sample of Lolita”?

The image of bows and or forest animals, bunnies and cards.

44. Would you want to dress your children as Lolita?

Want to, probably not. If they like the idea of lolita, then they are welcome to wear it. It's really up to them. Also, just as an extra note, that goes for if they are a girl or a boy.

45. What's your image of the ideal Lolita?
I don't think I really have one, because my idea of a perfect lolita is always changing as my style and coordination ideas improve and I learn more about the fashion.

So, there you have it guys!
45 lolita questions answered!