Hello, my darling dears!
Recently I've been doing some serious thinking about my diet and what kinds of mixed up rubbish I've been pumping into my body since I have had the mental capacity to choose the foods I eat. The answer is: a lot.
Frequently eating take away food and not getting enough raw, fresh fruit and vegetables resulted in me not having the energy a regular 18 year old should have and is beginning to weigh me down. (Along with a couple of other parts of me that are weighing me down...) Along with the things I have seen physically that need to change, I think I need to completely change my view on food all together and start thinking back to basics.
I recently watched a documentary called "Hungry for Change", which exposes the secrets of diet, diets and the food industry. Not to mention the medical industry... It makes sense to me that the food we eat that is man made and ridiculously processed is not suitable for our bodies, make it work harder and harm it because it doesn't have the tools necessary to break down these modified and man made substances and this is one thing the documentary taught me.
Having a harmful addiction to fast food and sugary foods is one of the reasons I needed to make this lifestyle change. I know several people will look at me and say "you won't last 5 minutes", many of those my close family, but if you'd give me the benefit of the doubt I'd really appreciate that. It's beginning to scare me now just how tired I am all the time and the lack of energy I posess, so if this radical change in diet can help me to live a happier healthier life, I can live without junk food, meat, excessive amounts of refined sugar and processed foods. I plan to do just that.
Where I'm going to start
I wrote down in my journal the things I was going to do to help me with my di
et. I will write what I orignally put in my journal in red, and then add the amendments I made afterwards in purple.
1. I will only drink water, organic milk and pure and natural fruit and veg juices.
- Tea is permitted with the water
- No hot chocolate drinks at all
- No dilute or from concentrate drinks
+ I won't be drinking cows' milk anymore.
2. I will not eat processed meats or fish if possible.
-No processed sandwich meat
-Frozen meat and fish is permitted given it isn't processed excessively
-Tinned fish is permitted
+No meat, no fish.
3. I will not eat frozen processed food.
- breaded fish, chicken nuggets, frozen pizza etc.
4. I will incorperate at least 2 vegetables into my main meals every day.
5. I will eat at least 2 fruits a day.
6. I will try to be more adventurous with seeds and nuts.
- Chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds, hazel nuts
7. I will look into home grown foods and eventually grow some of my own.
- Strawberries, tomatoes, herbs etc
8. I will keep reminding myself that "I can have it, but I don't want it. Neither does my body."
"We're not eating food anymore, we're eating food-like products" - Dr Alejandro Junger
"People are over fed, but also starving to death." - David Vitalis
My basic goal is to stop pumping toxic foods into my body and actually get the vital nutrients I need. I'll also be dabbling in veganism and raw foods, too.
It's really exciting and I think if more people did get excited about it and loved discovering new ways to keep an interesting but balanced diet, more people would ignore the fast, fatty, sugary foods and start eating for their body, not for their taste buds.
Now I know I didn't touch on animal cruelty at all until now, but I am very passionate about that, too. Seeing animals being slaughtered, castrated, artificially impregnated and caged is a disgusting sight and that is another reason I've decided to go vegetarian and to go vegan where I can.
Thanks for reading everyone and if you're going through a drastic diet based life change like I am, I wish you the very best of luck!