Today I went to the West Midlands' Vegan Festival with my mom, and my two cousins Ryan and Sophie. There were loads of really cool stalls at the festival and I just wanted to make a little post to show you a few things I bought today!
This is the stamp for the Vegan Festival! It has the Vegan registered trademark symbol on it! (The stamp was drying out I think :P)
When we first got in there we saw a girl practically hanging from the ceiling doing some crazy gymnastic stuff. I have no idea what they are called, but it was really cool. It's a shame I didn't get any great photos of her, but here's one.
I was terrified for her! She did a really great job entertaining the huge crowds, though. c:
Now for something completely different...
Now, not only are these cakes absolutely mahoosive, they were rediculously delicious (if a little sickly after a while!) I would definitely recommend the Big Fat Vegan Bakery for all you with a sweet tooth (vegan or not!)
This is my (almost) complete haul of the things I got from the vegan festival. It includes, vegan popcorn, chocolate cookie thingies, wagon wheels and turkish delight, vegan cosmetics: lipgloss, foundation and a lip balm a vegan cookbook and a couple of necklaces and wrist bands and a VEGAN for life t-shirt. c:
The reason I say it's almost the full haul is because there's one major item missing...
I bought a coconut! Drinking fresh coconut water is the best thing in the world. We all got vegan fever. :P Afterwards my dad cracked open the coconut with a meat cleaver and I ate the fleshy bit inside. It was really nice, but not how I expected it to taste. It doesn't taste how most people would expect it to. Like coconut. Anyway, that was my vegan festival haul!