Entry #3
30 Day Lolita Challenge
Day 1
The first thing I didn't understand when coming across this challenge is why it is called a "challenge". o.o I don't think it's a challenge per se, but I'm still going to do it! ;3
Here are the 30 "challenges":
Day 1 – 10 things about your Lolita bubble.
Day 2 – 10 things you hate in Lolita.
Day 3 – 10 things you love in Lolita.
Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
Day 5 – 10 items from your wish list.
Day 6 – 10 things you can’t live without in Lolita.
Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style.
Day 8 – 10 songs that inspire you for Lolita.
Day 9 – 10 things you will never do in Lolita.
Day 10 – What’s in your bag?
Day 11 – One day in your lolita life in pictures.
Day 12 – A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite sweets.
Day 14 – A picture of your dream item.
Day 15 – A picture of your last lolita purchase.
Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.
Day 17 – What do you want more then anything right now?
Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.
Day 19 – What’s in your make-up bag?
Day 20 – A picture of a lolita friend.
Day 21 – Your favorite fictional Lolita.
Day 22 – A picture of your room.
Day 23 – A picture of your handwriting.
Day 24 – A picture of you from a meet.
Day 25 – Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
Day 26 – Your Facebook profile picture.
Day 27 – One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
Day 28 – A picture of the perfect lolita location.
Day 29 – A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
Day 30 – A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days.
Ok, so here goes!
Day 1
10 things about my Lolita bubble:
As a new Lolita I am just enjoying exploring the fashion and finding out what suits me best. I'd rather not call it my bubble I suppose, because I'm not attached to any one part of Lolita, it appears to appeal to me as a whole and I've not found a inkling yet that has grabbed me by the throat with lace and refused me to go back!
At the moment I only have a few friends who are a part of the Lolita community but I am making more every day and I can just say that if it wasn't for them, I'd be a super ita... I appreciate the help I get from them and am happy I have (sort of) been accepted. :P
I have realised from the start that there is still a lot of research for me to do! What I do know is that I love JSK and shirt combinations over skirt/shirt combinations. JSKs are just easier I think and I just prefer the way they look c: But that's just me!
Day 1
10 things about my Lolita bubble:
As a new Lolita I am just enjoying exploring the fashion and finding out what suits me best. I'd rather not call it my bubble I suppose, because I'm not attached to any one part of Lolita, it appears to appeal to me as a whole and I've not found a inkling yet that has grabbed me by the throat with lace and refused me to go back!
At the moment I only have a few friends who are a part of the Lolita community but I am making more every day and I can just say that if it wasn't for them, I'd be a super ita... I appreciate the help I get from them and am happy I have (sort of) been accepted. :P
I have realised from the start that there is still a lot of research for me to do! What I do know is that I love JSK and shirt combinations over skirt/shirt combinations. JSKs are just easier I think and I just prefer the way they look c: But that's just me!
I have only ever been to one Lolita meet, it was in Birmingham to a little tea shop! It was absolutely lovely, and I like the idea of just meeting with other girls who love Lolita to talk and hang out. All so casual and all so lovely! So an extra thank you to my local Lolita group! <3
When I first started out in Lolita waaaaaay back in early 2013 ;) I was so excited about getting started that I went to Birmingham and bought the first petticoat I set my eyes on. Little did I know, being a super noob, that I had bought the complete wrong shape of petticoat for the Lolita style. I had bought a square dance petticoat from Hell Bunny and it was just not right at all. HOWEVER, all is not lost! It looks AMAZING with my Bodyline A-Line JSK, so I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of time! ;) Though now, knowing the correct shape of petticoat I need for bell shaped dresses/skirts I have a bell shaped petticoat from Classical Puppets that my brother bought me for Christmas!<3
When I first started out in Lolita waaaaaay back in early 2013 ;) I was so excited about getting started that I went to Birmingham and bought the first petticoat I set my eyes on. Little did I know, being a super noob, that I had bought the complete wrong shape of petticoat for the Lolita style. I had bought a square dance petticoat from Hell Bunny and it was just not right at all. HOWEVER, all is not lost! It looks AMAZING with my Bodyline A-Line JSK, so I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of time! ;) Though now, knowing the correct shape of petticoat I need for bell shaped dresses/skirts I have a bell shaped petticoat from Classical Puppets that my brother bought me for Christmas!<3
I had been so scared about getting into Lolita fashion and how my family would react to it. Most of the ladies I know who got into Lolita were so young when they first started (12-14) when I was already 16 and stumbling blindly around not knowing what to do! When I first wore it, properly and out in the big wide world I wasn't used to people staring at me and my brother making horrible comments (not always jokingly...) and it terrified me! Until... one day I went into Morrison's with my brother and a little girl was staring at my outfit, she turned to her mother and asked if I was a princess! Never blushed so much and it just made me happy. I feel like a princess in Lolita, and I like it!
Contrary to popular belief Lolita is not my way of getting attention. Those who really know me know that I'm not a person who particularly enjoys being the centre of attention and would rather just watch from the side-lines and observe. I wear Lolita because it's fun and a completely random way of being expressive, (unless you adhere to common and popular coordination for no reason other than having chronic sheep disease) and that's my favourite thing about it. Though I think I am the only Lolita here in my town I hope I can seek out other ones and that we can become friends! Throwing rainbows and unicorns and other common Lolita stuff in peoples faces to brighten up their days(LOL)!
Contrary to popular belief Lolita is not my way of getting attention. Those who really know me know that I'm not a person who particularly enjoys being the centre of attention and would rather just watch from the side-lines and observe. I wear Lolita because it's fun and a completely random way of being expressive, (unless you adhere to common and popular coordination for no reason other than having chronic sheep disease) and that's my favourite thing about it. Though I think I am the only Lolita here in my town I hope I can seek out other ones and that we can become friends! Throwing rainbows and unicorns and other common Lolita stuff in peoples faces to brighten up their days(LOL)!
I guess the last thing I want to say is that my Lolita bubble is endless! I haven't found my niche just yet and when I do I suppose it will always be expanding. I like the idea of having a completely mixed wardrobe with sweet, gothic, classic, hime (etc) Lolita in my wardrobe and being able to mix up the pieces to create completely new looks (that don't look silly, but borrow aspects from the other types) but I know I still have a longgggggggg way to go!
Thank you for reading everyone and I hope you can have some fun with the Lolita challenge too!
Thank you for reading everyone and I hope you can have some fun with the Lolita challenge too!
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