Thursday, 20 February 2014

Lolita Fashion Diary: #8 30 Day Lolita 'Challange' Day 6

Entry #8
30 Day Lolita Challenge: (Day 6)
Day 6 of the Lolita challenge is:
10 things you can't live without in Lolita!

10. SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!! I can't deal with not wearing socks in Lolita. I love them with every inch of my being! They keep your feets and your legs warms! They also look so cuteeee! If I haven't said that already! ;3

9. My Classical Puppets petticoat. It's just super poofy and awesome!

8. Sensible but cute shoes that I buy from Bodyline! All of my Lolita shoes are cheap and from bodyline. They fit well and are adorable and I don't tend to get blisters or anything from them! I need them for all my coords, cute and comfortable!

7. I need a wig. It's super rare I won't wear a wig if I'm in Lolita, but if I'm feeling lazy and am just in casual Lolita I might not wear one. :P

6. Simple pearl necklace. I love it because it goes with pretty much EVERYTHING. Even gothic coords look super chic with some simple pearls. I know a lot of Lolitas like pearl necklaces and usually will say it's a cute must have!

5. My rings. I need to wear rings with every coord. It's habitual now and I tend to wear my rings with every outfit, but especially with Lolita I need them, just as a little touch to match my coord!

4. Circle lenses. I am awful for circle lenses! I need them, because I just love how they make my eyes look! ;3 Though I kind of get annoyed when people say I look like a doll, but it's not really a bad thing. It's super cute!

3. Makeup. I need makeup when I'm wearing Lolita. I know some Lolitas prefer to not wear much or any makeup but I like to go a little overboard with eyelashes and lip tint etc...

2. Meets. I have to go to meets! After my first taste of a meet I need more! They're just super fun to attend and it's amazing to see other people's coords!

1. Great deals. In Lolita deals are musts! Why pay full price for something you can get for less?! ;)

So that's 10 things I cant live without in Lolita!
Hope you enjoyed looking!

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