Saturday, 15 February 2014

Lolita Fashion Diary: #4 - 30 Day Lolita 'Challenge' Day 2

 Entry #4
30 Day Lolita challenge: (Day 2)
Day 2 of the Lolita challenge is:
10 things you hate about Lolita. Let's do it!
[Ok, I got the days mixed up, I'll do the things I love tomorrow! ;) ]

1. I absolutely HATE lace monsters. That is dresses that are literally drowning in cheap tacky lace.

Exhibit A!

This is probably one of the most common pictures with the label "lace monster". It looks absolutely awful because there is just so much going on at once! I wonder if this dress is brand... if anyone knows where it comes from I would love to know! <3

I have seen brand items that have been condemned due to this kind of thing and think it's hilarious when some people who hate lace monsters LOVE a piece that is quite obviously drowning in terribly placed lace just because it has a brand label. Sometimes I think that these brands are just seeing what they can get away with.

I do know some people actually LIKE dresses that are drowning in lace, and that's fine by me, if you like it, wear that lace like you don't care! The only problem is, some (if not most/all) Lolitas may call you "ita" and request that you not call it Lolita because it doesn't exactly agree with present Lolita aesthetics. Still, if that's what you like, rock that shizz!

2. I DESPISE the prices of things in Lolita. Maybe not such an original thing to hate on but I am a poor student, so I'm allowed to moan about it. :P To be able to buy something, say a JSK for example I usually have to wait for my birthday or Christmas to be able to afford it, especially if it's brand or I want to create a full coord.
I want ONE bag and it costs me £150. The cost of the item itself, shipping, import tax and handling fees. WHAT?! WHAT?!?!?!?!
Now as a self proclaimed impulse buyer my budget is constantly being pushed. I'm much better now in the sense that I can plan my coords and fit things together to be more flexible, a skill I've picked up with some help (thank you ladies!) Being able to find things that have come down in price and are still in good condition can be difficult too and I'm lazy so I rarely look. ;)

3. New Lolitas who refuse to do their research before buying things that are 'Lolita' and then moaning when they're called 'ita'. This may seem super hypocritical as a new Lolita myself, but there is a big difference between new Lolita's that have done their research and those who have not. I did so much research before I started getting involved with other Lolitas and groups and things and had corrected my own mistakes without having to be told how. For example I'll use my petticoat fiasco.
When I first got into Lolita I made the mistake of buying the first petticoat I could find. It was the wrong shape and the wrong length. I had not done enough research so I didn't know which shape was the right one. I went back to square one. I did all the research I could to learn about dress and skirt shapes and fixed my own problem before I would be tempted to bore countless other Lolitas with it who would probably moan the same way I am right now. RESEARCH ladies and gents, the resources ARE out there and they WILL help you!! <3

4. New Lolitas (and Lolitas in general) who can't take constructive criticism REPEL me. If a new Lolita has created a coord without doing the relevant research and asks for criticism from other Lolitas, chances are they're going to be called out on their mistakes. This is a learning curve ladies and gentleman and shouldn't be taken as a personal attack! When another Lolita comments on a coord it is their opinion but also shows they want to help improve the coord and help the creator to pick up skills that will make their future coords better. That's not a bad thing is it? So take note! If the ideas from the veteran Lolita isn't to someone's taste there isn't any rule book saying that their personal idea about a coord has to be adopted, but certain things just have to be addressed such as skirt length and shape. For the Lolita look a bell or A-line skirt shape (depending on the dress/skirt design) is incredibly important, or it would just look like another ordinary dress and that is sort of missing the point...

5. The brand whore myth. The reason I hate the "brand whore myth" is because I don't believe it actually is a myth. Though Lolitas termed "brand whores" probably make up less than 1% of the Lolita population there is no chance that they don't exist all together. There will always be that one Lolita who owns everything brand and despises anyone who doesn't own brand or simply can't afford it. This is a fact of life. I don't think they should be called brand whore's though... perhaps they should be renamed "just not very nice Lolitas unless you have all brand items."

6. People who can't accept that some Lolitas just prefer brand and label them "brand whores" because of it. If people like brand, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine. If they like brand and offbrand (which is more often than not the case), that's fine! We're all Lolitas here, why should it matter?! If the coord looks good, then everything is good. :D

7. WHY IS LOLITA STUFF SO AGAINST MY BOOBS?! Think this one's self explanatory.

8. Hate on Bodyline. Right, I am completely biased in the sense that all the skirts I own bar one (from a Metamorphose lucky pack) are Bodyline. If someone is wearing a Bodyline skirt and it looks good, why are Lolitas hating? WHY?! WHYYYYYYYY?! *Dramatic, in the rain, on knees, arms in the air scene* Ahem... back to the problem at hand... Ok, I will admit, Bodyline items are not always the best designed or the best quality, BUT you will find that a lot of veteran Lolitas will recommend it to new Lolitas because it's cheap and decent enough quality IF the right pieces are picked.

This JSK for example is extremely popular. Not too busy and rather easy to coordinate with a little work! NOW, there are a lot of AWFUL pieces on there that shouldn't even be called Lolita, so definitely make sure you aren't calling a piece Lolita when it clearly is not, but generally for new Lolitas investing in a couple of versatile Bodyline pieces is not exactly a bad move!

9. The myth that plus sized people cannot be Lolita. Now this, ladies and gents is most definitely a myth. Those who are plus sized are just as capable of being a Lolita as any skinny or average sized person. They may not be able to fit into brand pieces but there are so many other offbrand options that it shouldn't really be an issue! Offbrand stuff can look as awesome or even better than brand if you know where to shop! It's ok for people to say that Lolita isn't a fashion that was made for plus sized people, but I argue why shouldn't it be? If they want to wear Lolita then more power to them! Their size is nothing to do with anyone else! <3 Love and Lolita.

10. Replicas. Now, I'm not against replicas per se, personally I wouldn't buy or wear one but that's just me. I just hate it when people judge others for wearing replicas. It's not really a big deal. Yes, I'm aware it's stealing a print for profit, but that designer has already been paid for it so they aren't exactly losing out. I know this isn't always justification but sometimes people just can't afford to buy the brand version or are not able to fit into the sizes that are offered. Just because someone doesn't want to drop £200lbs (see what I did there? :P) to have a brand piece then whatever, that's their choice and you shouldn't judge them for it! It's not really hurting you, after all.

And that's 10 things I hate about Lolita!
Hope you enjoyed reading it!


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